Review: WebEx and GoToMeeting meet their match.

Six important wearable app categories every enterprise needs to know.

InfoWorld Mobile Tech Report
December 07, 2015
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Apple's open source Swift takes flight at last

With highly liberal licensing and a promising suite of features like package management, Swift's new open source version holds a lot of promise READ MORE

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Issue highlights

1. INSIDER Review: WebEx and GoToMeeting meet their match

2. Six important wearable app categories every enterprise needs to know

3. Ballmer assails Microsoft finances, Windows Phone, Universal apps

: RES Software

Numbers to Know Before You Plan

The amount of time that Windows 7 and Windows 8 consumers have to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. Impact: Your workers will be using Windows 10 at home well before it comes to the enterprise. That may impact on your Windows 10 timeline. Learn More


Review: WebEx and GoToMeeting meet their match

Adobe Connect and Zoom lead six mostly stellar Web conferencing services for desktops and mobile devices READ MORE

Six important wearable app categories every enterprise needs to know

Far from a fad, wearables are going to make a big splash in these sectors READ MORE

Ballmer assails Microsoft finances, Windows Phone, Universal apps

Steve Ballmer's criticisms may be correct, but he's the one who's responsible for the problems READ MORE

White Paper: Pivotal Software

4 Steps to App Development in an IoT World

Automated homes. Connected cars. Smart cities. The Internet of Things (IoT) will forever change the way businesses interact with consumers and other businesses. Learn More


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