Microsoft treads on Node.js's turf with Chakra JavaScript engine.

Why Node.js waited for OpenSSL security update before patching.

InfoWorld App Dev Report
December 08, 2015
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Python scales new heights in language popularity

Python is increasingly in use as a first language in high school and universities, propelling it to its highest spot ever on the Tiobe index as well as a high ranking on the PyPL index READ MORE

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Issue highlights

1. Microsoft treads on Node.js's turf with Chakra JavaScript engine

2. Why Node.js waited for OpenSSL security update before patching

3. INSIDER Make the most of Microsoft Azure Service Fabric

4. MongoDB and Redis pair volume with velocity

White Paper: Citrix Systems

A Snapshot of Mobility Momentum

This paper includes the results of a recent IDG Research Services survey among IT leaders about their enterprise mobility initiatives. We examine the challenges, growing pains and funding priorities as they seek to capitalize on this critical business technology. Learn More

Microsoft treads on Node.js's turf with Chakra JavaScript engine

An open source Chakra is part of Microsoft's plans for infiltrating a world powered by JavaScript and its friends READ MORE

Why Node.js waited for OpenSSL security update before patching

Node.js Foundation fixed two critical vulnerabilities in its open-source server-side JavaScript platform and addressed the newly patched OpenSSL READ MORE


Make the most of Microsoft Azure Service Fabric

Microsoft's next-gen PaaS, Service Fabric, offers unique benefits -- including support for stateful services and Reliable Actors. Here's how to get all you can from it READ MORE

MongoDB and Redis pair volume with velocity

For new kinds of high-capacity, real-time applications, two databases are better than one READ MORE

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