Google fixes another Mediaserver bug in monthly Android security update

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InfoWorld Mobile Tech Report

Jan 06, 2016
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Android is ousting Windows from its last mobile bastion

Microsoft's coming end of support for Windows Embedded plus a move away from its historic supply chain focus are forcing the industry to look elsewhere Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Google fixes another Mediaserver bug in monthly Android security update
Android open source move could boost Java and aid in legal battles with Oracle
Apple expected to cut parts procurement on slow iPhone sales
Wi-Fi for the Internet of things gets a name: Wi-Fi HaLow

Video/Webcast: Centrify Corporation

Mobile Devices, Wearables and the Future of Identity

Watch this recording of a live, interactive webcast and learn about how the small devices we carry with us everywhere can help keep even the biggest companies more secure. Read More

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Google fixes another Mediaserver bug in monthly Android security update

Mediaserver continues to be in the limelight as Google patches yet another critical vulnerability in how Android processes media files Read More

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Android open source move could boost Java and aid in legal battles with Oracle

Google's upcoming 'Android N' mobile operating system will leverage OpenJDK APIs Read More

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Apple expected to cut parts procurement on slow iPhone sales

Japanese newspaper says suppliers are bracing for cut in orders Read More

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Wi-Fi for the Internet of things gets a name: Wi-Fi HaLow

Look for low-power, long-range IoT gear to be certified in 2018 Read More

Video/Webcast: Centrify Corporation

Single Sign-On: Past, Present, and Future

Since the invention of the second app, IT has had to implement single sign on to eliminate the hassles of multiple passwords. But can we leverage what we have learned about on-premises SSO to solve today's cloud and mobile identity challenges? Read More

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