
InfoWorld Weekend Edition

March 28, 2020

Image: GitOps puts the power of Git into Ops

GitOps puts the power of Git into Ops

GitOps might finally do for developers and operations teams what DevOps has long promised Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories

9 offbeat databases worth a look

Can APIs be copyrighted?

TensorFlow deepens its advantages in the AI modeling wars

Zeek and Jitsi: 2 open source projects we need now

Can public clouds keep up with the pandemic surge?

InnerSource: A better way to work together on code

Remote coding with Visual Studio Live Share and GitHub

eBook: Box

How to secure your content in the cloud with Box

It seems like every week there's news of another security breach where customer data is stolen. Studies show a single security breach can result in a 5% drop in your company's stock price and damage your relationship with almost one third of your customers. Read more ▶

Image: 9 offbeat databases worth a look

9 offbeat databases worth a look

Plain old MySQL or MongoDB not doing the job? See if these unique offerings meet your needs Read more ▶

Image: GoDaddy Websites + Marketing is perfect for new brands looking to get online.


GoDaddy Websites + Marketing is perfect for new brands looking to get online.

GoDaddy Websites + Marketing is packed with tools to help your business' site succeed. Read more ▶

Image: Can APIs be copyrighted?

Can APIs be copyrighted?

Oracle says yes and Google says no, but who's right? Here are 7 arguments in favor of copyrighting APIs — and 7 arguments against Read more ▶

Image: TensorFlow deepens its advantages in the AI modeling wars

TensorFlow deepens its advantages in the AI modeling wars

Despite complaints about its complexity, TensorFlow supports every AI development, training, and deployment scenario you can imagine Read more ▶

Image: Zeek and Jitsi: 2 open source projects we need now

Zeek and Jitsi: 2 open source projects we need now

Long proven but not well known, these network security monitoring and video conferencing tools couldn't be more timely Read more ▶

Image: Can public clouds keep up with the pandemic surge?

Can public clouds keep up with the pandemic surge?

So far, most public cloud providers have kept pace with new demands, but even the cloud has limits Read more ▶

Image: InnerSource: A better way to work together on code

InnerSource: A better way to work together on code

How using open source methods to develop proprietary software increases project efficiency, code quality, and developer happiness Read more ▶

Image: Remote coding with Visual Studio Live Share and GitHub

Remote coding with Visual Studio Live Share and GitHub

Using Microsoft's development tools for remote working and social coding Read more ▶

eBook: Box

Hope is NOT a strategy: Secure your content in the cloud with Box.

Seems like every week there's news of another security breach. Ponemon Institute has found that the typical data breach costs an average of $3.9 million, and that just one breach can decrease your company's stock price by 5%. No one wants to be that kind of typical. So what can you do about it? Read more ▶

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