Leveraging Technology to Succeed in Business View web version
Remember when you couldn't buy a webcam for love or money?

At first, it was kind of fun. After being stuck at home for a few months, I liked seeing people. I actually did purely social meetings.

Two years later, and it's another story. As a system administrator on the Reddit Sysadmin forum said, "Virtual meetings are the new norm, and I'm seriously getting tired of loads of meetings in my calendar, as well as endless, 'Can I give you a quick call?' chats that are the farthest from 'quick' at all."

Exactly. One virtual meeting follows another, and the calls themselves go on and on, and … well, you get the picture. We've all been in those meetings.

I don't know about you, but even a five-minute interruption—never mind one that goes on for an hour—knocks me out of my workflow. When those meetings drag on and pile up I'm shot for half the day.

Don't get me wrong: some meetings can be useful. I have a good friend who tells me that with her crew, she can have days of nothing but meetings, which are actually productive. I haven't been so lucky.

I do, however, have some recommendations on how to avoid unnecessary meetings and make the ones you do have more productive.

First, ask yourself whether this meeting is really necessary. Couldn't the topic du jour be handled better in an email? I've been running organizations of up to several hundred people via email for decades. It may be old-fashioned, but it works. And, with email, you can deal with issues on your schedule. For people like me who work best when they're in a flow, that is vital for getting our jobs done quickly and efficiently.

Say you need to resolve something small at an even faster pace—instead of calling a meeting, or even making a one-on-one call, just use Slack or some other instant messaging or groupware system.

If you do have a meeting, have an agenda. I don't care how short or easy you think it's going to be. Decide exactly what it is you're going to discuss before you even propose a meeting. That done, put together a plan and stick to it.

Make the meeting as short as possible. Here's how all meetings go: There are about five minutes of chatting, and if you're doing video, there will be at least one or two "Your mic is off" admonitions. This will be followed by 20 to 40 minutes—if you're lucky—of an actual productive conversation. It should then end with a five-minute wrap-up, a call to action, and a conclusion.

In other words, meetings should last from about half an hour to no longer than 50 minutes. The longer you go, the more your people will lose interest. Meeting fatigue is bad enough in real life, but online, when a distraction is just a mouse-click away, I've seen people doze off, or on one noteworthy occasion, start playing CounterStrike. Alas, in the latter case, they also had their mic on. It was funny … afterward.

You should not talk about when you should meet again. There's nothing duller than everyone looking at their calendars and hashing out in real-time what works for whom. Do that via email, instant messaging, or in Slack.

Whenever possible do not have or schedule back-to-back meetings. Those never go well. People get tired and fade out—and then that's it for productivity.

In other words, the main problem with meetings—both virtual and real-world—is meeting management. Master that skill, and you and your staff will be much happier, whether you meet online or in a conference room.

How to combat virtual meeting fatigue

What exactly makes virtual meetings so draining, and what can leaders do to improve them? Read more.


6 creative ways to eliminate meeting fatigue and make yours more productive and engaging

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How to combat zoom fatigue

If you're finding that you're more exhausted at the end of your workday than you used to be, you're not alone. Over the past few weeks, mentions of "Zoom fatigue" have popped up more and more on social media, and Google searches for the same phrase have steadily increased since early March. Read more.


Three cures for virtual meeting fatigue, according to new Microsoft research

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Study: Camera use in virtual meetings leads to fatigue, disengagement

Camera on or off? It's one of the requisite decisions that employees make—sometimes several times a day—in the new normal of remote work and virtual meetings. Read more.


5 tips for conducting a virtual meeting

While we're not yet controlling humanoid robots from the comfort of our homes like the characters in the 2009 movie Surrogates, increasingly our daily interactions-;both professional and personal-;are conducted through virtual means. Read more.


About the Author
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, aka sjvn, has been writing about the intersection of business and technology for over 30 years. He continues to scoop up awards for his valuable insights and practical guidance in highly technical publications, business & technology magazines, and mainstream newspapers.

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