What the app store future means for developers and users | Compressed data search goes mainstream

InfoWorld Technology: Applications

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SAP preps low-cost alternative to Oracle
SAP will finish porting its ERP (enterprise resource planning) application to the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) database later this year, giving customers now running Oracle and other platforms a lower-cost alternative. Read More


How to Put Data Storage on a Diet
Data storage needs continue to grow unabated, straining backup and disaster recovery systems while requiring more online spindles, using more power, and generating more heat. That leaves IT professionals to search for technology solutions that can at least lighten the load. Learn more.


Bullet-Proof Email: Mission Possible
Bullet-Proof Email: Mission Possible Email is the bloodline to your organization and must be defended with the highest level of security. Failure to be proactive can result in catastrophic legal, financial, and reputational consequences to your business. Read more now!

What the app store future means for developers and users
Users, IT, and developers will have to adjust to their increasing role as a distribution mechanism for software. For developers in particular, that could mean significant changes to how they run their software businesses. Read More

Compressed data search goes mainstream
WindSpring aims its compression technology at mainstream storage vendors with a search engine that finds information while data is still compressed. Read More

Mozilla to auto-update Firefox 3.5 users to 3.6 version
Mozilla plans to push 12 million users of the aged Firefox 3.5 to a newer version next month by taking the unprecedented step of automatically upgrading their browser. Read More

SAP certifies software to run on Amazon Web Services
Users of SAP's BusinessObjects and Rapid Deployment products are now able to run the applications from Amazon's cloud, marking the first time SAP has worked to make its software available on a public cloud service. Read More

SAP revs up mobile application strategy
SAP is giving its ongoing push into mobile applications an extra shove with a series of new products aimed at verticals such as utilities, energy, retail, and manufacturing. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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