No matter who wins in US vs. Microsoft, we all lose

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InfoWorld Daily: Afternoon Edition

Jan 26, 2016
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Microsoft Azure Stack brings the cloud to your data center

Azure Stack for private data centers is meant to give customers development and management experiences very like the public Azure. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

No matter who wins in US vs. Microsoft, we all lose
Why Linux is still better than Windows 10
Slack + Skype: The fine line between convenience and coercion
First look: Microsoft Azure Stack hits the ground running

White Paper: VMware | Macquarie Telecom

A Game Changer for the Australian Government Cloud

As Government agencies begin to migrate applications to the Cloud, their success depends on adopting an agile and automated solution. VMware and Macquarie Telecom have teamed up to deliver a Secure Hybrid Cloud for Australian Government. Read More

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No matter who wins in US vs. Microsoft, we all lose

As the U.S. government and Microsoft battle over access to cloud data, major implications await both users and corporations. Read More

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Why Linux is still better than Windows 10

Also in today's open source roundup: Why one writer dumped Windows and switched to Linux 13 years ago, and Amazon wants its Android OEMs to integrate its services into their phones. Read More

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Slack + Skype: The fine line between convenience and coercion

Bring-your-own technology doesn't work so well in collaboration or when forced on users. Read More

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First look: Microsoft Azure Stack hits the ground running

Technical preview of Microsoft's hybrid cloud platform drives just like Azure, drawing on the same APIs, tools, and templates. Read More

White Paper: CDW

Building an Effective Mobile Policy

A growing number of organizations are realizing the benefits of mobile devices, including increased productivity, enhanced efficiency and speedier response times. Read More

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