Picking a public cloud? Think beyond AWS, Google, and Microsoft

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InfoWorld Daily: Afternoon Edition

Jan 05, 2016
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The ultimate Windows 10 survival kit

As soon as you install Windows 10, make sure you follow these 12 steps to ensure everything is in working order. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Picking a public cloud? Think beyond AWS, Google, and Microsoft
Oracle remains most popular database, but MongoDB continues to rise
Google fixes another Mediaserver bug in monthly Android security update

White Paper: IBM

7 Reasons You Need Predictive Analytics Today

Learn why advanced analytics tools are essential to sustain a competitive advantage. Read More

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Picking a public cloud? Think beyond AWS, Google, and Microsoft

No single cloud provider is likely to meet all your needs, so don't try to force-fit everything to one 'solution.' Read More

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Oracle remains most popular database, but MongoDB continues to rise

DB-Engines' rankings show Oracle is the database most talked about by recruiters and developers, but open source databases posted gains. Read More

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Google fixes another Mediaserver bug in monthly Android security update

Mediaserver continues to be in the limelight as Google patches yet another critical vulnerability in how Android processes media files. Read More

White Paper: IBM

Affordable, Scalable, Reliable OLTP in a Cloud and Big Data World

This white paper discusses the concept of shared data scale-out clusters, as well as how they deliver continuous availability and why they are important for delivering scalable transaction processing support. Read More

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