Windows 10 update (and retirement) calendar: Mark these dates

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Computerworld First Look

Feb 07, 2018
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Cortana explained: How to use Microsoft's virtual assistant for business

Cortana has a massive installed base in Windows 10, but doesn't get the same respect as Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. Here's what Cortana does and how it's positioned for work. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Windows 10 update (and retirement) calendar: Mark these dates
Get 3 Years of NordVPN Service for Just $2.75 Per Month
ICYMI: Speech recognition grows up and goes mobile
JR Raphael: The next phase of Google's Chrome OS takeover
Jonny Evans: What the internet is saying about iPhone X

White Paper: ServiceChannel

5 Perils of Outsourcing Your Facilities Management

Whether you currently outsource your facilities program or are considering it, you need to know what this approach really costs - and beyond just the actual dollars. Find out what's at risk from outsourcing your facilities management and the alternatives you should consider in this new eBook. Read More

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Windows 10 update (and retirement) calendar: Mark these dates

Microsoft is releasing new versions of Windows 10 on a set schedule – and just as regularly retiring older versions from support. Here are the dates you need to know about through Windows 7's retirement in 2020. Read More

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Get 3 Years of NordVPN Service for Just $2.75 Per Month

Safeguard yourself against snoops, and access blocked content with this no-log VPN service. NordVPN is just $2.75 per month for 3 years, if you sign up right now. Read More

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ICYMI: Speech recognition grows up and goes mobile

Having spread from desktops to mobile devices and beyond, voice recognition is no longer a novelty filling niche needs — and it's spawning a new genre of gadgets. Read More

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JR Raphael: The next phase of Google's Chrome OS takeover

As the lines continue to blur between Chrome OS and Android, some once-crazy-sounding concepts are about to shake up mobile computing as we know it. Read More

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Jonny Evans: What the internet is saying about iPhone X

What the online world is saying about iPhone X, the big questions and the big concerns and other exclusive data Read More

White Paper: Windstream Communications (formerly Paetec)

Are You Making Time to Innovate?

The formula for achieving business success in today's always-on, always-evolving business environment begins and ends with innovation. It's a prerequisite for staying ahead of the competition and customer needs. Likewise, constantly evolving your business model to align with customer buying behavior is the new normal. Learn why there's no better time than the present to put innovation on the IT agenda in this informative article. Read More

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