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Computerworld Daily Shark

Feb 14, 2018

Hey, are you getting paid to talk or to work?

This pilot fish has worked as an IT staffer and as a consultant, and he knows there can be some real disadvantages to the better-paid but less stable contracting life. Read More

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Why we love REAL power users

White Paper: Connection

A Secure Way to a Digital Future

By 2020, 60% of enterprises will be implementing a full-scale digital strategy. The problem is today, 60% of enterprises are at a "digital impasse." Download this Tech Dossier from Connection to learn how Microsoft 365 can break that logjam and help you accelerate toward your organization's digital future. Read More

Why we love REAL power users

It's the 1990s, and this IT support tech is tasked with installing a new laser printer for an engineer -- but he's not ready for what he sees when the office door opens. Read More

eBook: Extreme Networks

5 Essential Elements of the 80211ac Wave 2 Business Case

Fueled by big expectations for increased Wi-Fi performance, the excitement around Wave 2 of 802.11ac comes as no surprise. After reading this eBook, you will not only be the most knowledgeable voice in the room, you'll also be well equipped to justify your upgrade to the 802.11ac Wave 2 standard. Read More

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AGENDA is the business leadership conference focused on driving your business forward in changing times. AGENDA18 will bring together more than 300 senior technology leaders and business stakeholders to share best practices, learn new techniques and engage in digital leadership training. Don't miss out: Register now

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