Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise's new Wi-Fi products are 'Stellar'

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Network World Daily News Alert AM

Feb 08, 2018
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How to negotiate a Cisco Enterprise Agreement that works for you

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Your Must-Read Stories

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise's new Wi-Fi products are 'Stellar'
Get 3 Years of NordVPN Service for Just $2.75 Per Month
5 reasons digital twins matter to your IoT deployment
Gimmicky IoT devices detract from IoT's real potential
After virtualization and cloud, what's left on premises?
The Linux ranger: What is it and how do you use it?

White Paper: Windstream Communications (formerly Paetec)

Are You Making Time to Innovate?

The formula for achieving business success in today's always-on, always-evolving business environment begins and ends with innovation. It's a prerequisite for staying ahead of the competition and customer needs. Likewise, constantly evolving your business model to align with customer buying behavior is the new normal. Learn why there's no better time than the present to put innovation on the IT agenda in this informative article. Read More

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Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise's new Wi-Fi products are 'Stellar'

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise's new Stellar Wi-Fi products complement its Aruba OEM agreement and offer customers price-competitive solutions that are easy to deploy and manage. Read More

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Get 3 Years of NordVPN Service for Just $2.75 Per Month

Safeguard yourself against snoops, and access blocked content with this no-log VPN service. NordVPN is just $2.75 per month for 3 years, if you sign up right now. Read More

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5 reasons digital twins matter to your IoT deployment

Digital twins are central to the vast majority of industrial IoT use cases. Read More

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Gimmicky IoT devices detract from IoT's real potential

Marriott Hotels installed digital notepads on shower doors in a California hotel. This isn't going to help the IoT be taken seriously. Read More

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After virtualization and cloud, what's left on premises?

Extreme virtualization leaves just switches, access points, secure routers Read More

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The Linux ranger: What is it and how do you use it?

Read More

White Paper: Riverbed Technology

Best Practices for Successful Digital Experience Management

The digital user experience faces rising expectations from customers, cloud agility demands from business executives, and escalating complexity for IT professionals. The good news is, you can survive this perfect storm. Address these concerns, and ensure positive experiences for business-critical applications, by downloading Best Practices for Successful Digital Experience Management. Read More

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