What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more

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InfoWorld Daily

Feb 05, 2018
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Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair

Oracle is a fantastic database for yesteryear's enterprise applications, but is a poor fit for modern, big data applications Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more
20 years of open source: Its world-changing history in brief
How to consume a Web API using RestSharp
Review: 6 slick open source routers
Don't worry about selecting the 'wrong' public cloud
Technology of the Year 2018: The best hardware, software, and cloud services
What's new in Google's V8 JavaScript engine

White Paper: Ixia

2017 Ixia Security Report

All IT organizations are conscious of their networks' attack surface. Enterprises, service providers, and data centers alike worry about every new device they insert into their networks, because they understand that any of these devices could create a vulnerability. But the attack surface is not just about growth in threats. Read More

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What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more

Learn how the compiler framework for programmatically generating machine-native code has made it easier than ever to roll new languages and enhance existing ones Read More

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20 years of open source: Its world-changing history in brief

Today, open source powers servers, computers, devices, and all manner of software. But two decades ago, it was a fringe, radical idea that seemed destined to remain academic Read More

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How to consume a Web API using RestSharp

Take advantage of the flexible and easy-to-use RestSharp HTTP API client to consume your REST APIs Read More

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Review: 6 slick open source routers

DD-WRT, Tomato, OpenWrt, OPNsense, PFSense, and VyOS suit a wide range of devices and networking needs Read More

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Don't worry about selecting the 'wrong' public cloud

The reality is that it matters much more about what you do after you pick the provider than which one you pick. Read More

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Technology of the Year 2018: The best hardware, software, and cloud services

InfoWorld's 2018 Technology of the Year Award winners recognize the best tools and technologies for software development, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning Read More

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What's new in Google's V8 JavaScript engine

WebAssembly gets a boost with streaming compilation in the upcoming branch Read More

White Paper: WEI

An Introduction to the New IT Approach Called Hybrid IT

In order to meet the needs of today's digital business, IT organizations are grappling with how to cost-effectively manage two environments: the traditional on-premises data center and the cloud. Hybrid IT can help companies achieve the right balance-enabling IT organizations to deploy services to customers as quickly as possible in the most cost efficient, consistent and secure delivery method. Learn more about this new approach. Read More

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