Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair

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InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

Feb 06, 2018
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Technology of the Year 2018: The best hardware, software, and cloud services

InfoWorld's 2018 Technology of the Year Award winners recognize the best tools and technologies for software development, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair
Don't worry about selecting the 'wrong' public cloud
One cloud accounting dilemma will soon be fixed
Docker tutorial: Get started with Docker
AWS cloud services guide: The right tools for the job

White Paper: WEI

An Introduction to the New IT Approach Called Hybrid IT

In order to meet the needs of today's digital business, IT organizations are grappling with how to cost-effectively manage two environments: the traditional on-premises data center and the cloud. Hybrid IT can help companies achieve the right balance-enabling IT organizations to deploy services to customers as quickly as possible in the most cost efficient, consistent and secure delivery method. Learn more about this new approach. Read More

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Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair

Oracle is a fantastic database for yesteryear's enterprise applications, but is a poor fit for modern, big data applications Read More

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Don't worry about selecting the 'wrong' public cloud

The reality is that it matters much more about what you do after you pick the provider than which one you pick. Read More

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One cloud accounting dilemma will soon be fixed

New processes from the Financial Accounting Standards Board propose a reasonable way to deal with cloud computing costs Read More

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Docker tutorial: Get started with Docker

Docker has revolutionized how applications are deployed. Follow this step-by-step guide from installing Docker to building a Docker container for the Apache web server Read More

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AWS cloud services guide: The right tools for the job

Here are the most common uses for the cloud and which Amazon Web Services components you need for them Read More

eBook: Ixia

Cloud Visibility for Dummies

As enterprise IT teams move on-premises data centers to virtualized, software-defined data centers and public clouds, they address these important questions: how can we ensure availability, reliability, and performance of our mission-critical applications? How do we get critical data to security, analytics, and monitoring tools? Read More

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