SaaS-ifying your enterprise application? A quick-and-dirty guide

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InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

Feb 13, 2018
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The evidence is in: The cloud's advantages are now clear to business

The business community is now seeing directly how the cloud is transformative for business, not something simply for technologists to use Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

SaaS-ifying your enterprise application? A quick-and-dirty guide
QF2 for AWS: High-performance file storage for the cloud

White Paper: Qubole Inc

Big Data Buyers Guide

The cloud and big data are really a perfect match as the dynamic scalability and affordability of the cloud match well with the massive scale and "bursty" nature of resources that are required for big data analytics. Whether you are just evaluating cloud big data platforms or already running big data in the cloud - this guide is for you. Read More

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SaaS-ifying your enterprise application? A quick-and-dirty guide

Many enterprises see a need to SaaS-enable applications, making them into a product for customers and partners. But most have no clue about what to do Read More

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QF2 for AWS: High-performance file storage for the cloud

Qumulo File Fabric is a modern, highly scalable file storage system that spans the data center and the public cloud Read More

eBook: Veeam Software

Building a Converged Infrastructure that Just Won't Quit

Read to see how Veeam technology can maximize the performance of Cisco, Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and NetApp converged infrastructure platforms, and see how businesses can benefit from an integrated approach to application and data Availability. Learn what it means when Always-On truly means Always-On! Read More

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