5 reasons digital twins matter to your IoT deployment

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Network World IoT Alert

Feb 12, 2018
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Tips for securing IoT on your network

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Your Must-Read Stories

5 reasons digital twins matter to your IoT deployment
Gimmicky IoT devices detract from IoT's real potential
What is NFV and what are its cost, performance and scaling benefits?
5G won't cope, terahertz will provide more bandwidth

eBook: Cherwell

AI is Coming to ITSM: 5 Steps You Can Take Now to Prepare

Artificial intelligence is at the forefront of the digital revolution, with the potential to transform service management as we know it. Unfortunately, the average IT organization is unprepared to take advantage of all AI has to offer. The good news? There are practical steps IT teams can take today to lay the groundwork for AI adoption and success. Learn more in this exclusive eBook. Read More

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5 reasons digital twins matter to your IoT deployment

Digital twins are central to the vast majority of industrial IoT use cases. Read More

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Gimmicky IoT devices detract from IoT's real potential

Marriott Hotels installed digital notepads on shower doors in a California hotel. This isn't going to help the IoT be taken seriously. Read More

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What is NFV and what are its cost, performance and scaling benefits?

Network functions virtualization (NFV) uses commodity servers to replace specialized network appliances for more flexible, efficient and scalable services. Read More

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5G won't cope, terahertz will provide more bandwidth

Researchers say 5G won't be able to accommodate the growing demand for bandwidth. Terahertz-frequency networks, with their larger capacity and smaller power needs, will be the better option. Read More

eGuide: CloudHealth

Cloud Management and Optimization

Economies of scale! Rapid provisioning! Less infrastructure! It's a brave new world in the cloud, for sure. But no journey is without its pitfalls. While you and your company ponder the possibilities, don't forget to do your homework. Read More

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