What is Cython? Python at the speed of C

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InfoWorld Daily: Weekend Edition

Feb 10, 2018
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What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more

Learn how the compiler framework for programmatically generating machine-native code has made it easier than ever to roll new languages and enhance existing ones Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

What is Cython? Python at the speed of C
Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair
Who really contributes to open source
What's new in Microsoft .Net Core
What's new in Python 3.7
Developers prefer learning over money, but still want money
SaaS-ifying your enterprise application? A quick-and-dirty guide

Video/Webcast: Red Hat

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Increased competition, industry disruption, and new companies entering the market mean organizations need to move faster than ever. But how can development and operations teams keep up with the rapid pace of change and the demand for shorter application development cycles? Read More

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What is Cython? Python at the speed of C

A superset of Python that compiles to C, Cython combines the ease of Python and the speed of native code Read More

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Oracle's cloud bravado masks its database despair

Oracle is a fantastic database for yesteryear's enterprise applications, but is a poor fit for modern, big data applications Read More

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Who really contributes to open source

New data debunks several myths around which companies lead in open source contributions Read More

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What's new in Microsoft .Net Core

.Net Core 2.1 promises better build performance and several other improvements for developers Read More

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What's new in Python 3.7

Python 3.7 adds new classes for data handling, optimizations for script compilation and garbage collection, and faster asynchronous I/O Read More

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Developers prefer learning over money, but still want money

An Accenture survey also shows that most platforms are poor at providing good content Read More

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SaaS-ifying your enterprise application? A quick-and-dirty guide

Many enterprises see a need to SaaS-enable applications, making them into a product for customers and partners. But most have no clue about what to do Read More

Research/Infographic: Comcast

SD-WAN and the Distributed Enterprise

Software-defined WAN technology unlocks the potential of broadband to create a foundation for transformation across business locations. Read More

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