Why intent-based networking is important to the Internet of Things

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Network World IoT Alert

Apr 30, 2018
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5 key enterprise IoT security recommendations

The Online Trust Alliance has published a checklist of enterprise IoT security best practices. Ignore its advice at your own risk. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Why intent-based networking is important to the Internet of Things
Schneider Electric announces Edge Module for IoT processing
5G is overhyped and expectations need reining in
Hello, cellular IoT
A corporate guide to addressing IoT security concerns
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Why intent-based networking is important to the Internet of Things

Cisco brings the benefits of intent-based networking (IBN) to the IoT to help customers scale, secure, and optimize their environments. Read More

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Schneider Electric announces Edge Module for IoT processing

Schneider Electric's Edge Module is a prefabricated, self-contained IoT solution that includes integrated power and cooling systems, designed for edge computing scenarios. Read More

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5G is overhyped and expectations need reining in

Why 5G doesn't yet have the use cases to justify the excitement Read More

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Hello, cellular IoT

Alone, IoT devices are just a bunch of "things." But working together across cellular networks, these devices can secure our homes, monitor our health and make sure our eggs aren't going bad in the fridge. Read More

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A corporate guide to addressing IoT security concerns

The benefits of the internet of things are potentially great and can be achieved with less risk of harm by following these steps Read More

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