And we're guessing EVERYBODY is happier now

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Computerworld Daily Shark

Apr 30, 2018

Those who can, do. Those who can't, have roommates.

Flashback to 1971, when this future IT pilot fish has one final assignment to finish in order to graduate: write a program to make change for a purchase from a $5 bill. Read More

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And we're guessing EVERYBODY is happier now

White Paper: VMware

Migrating Apps to the Cloud in 5 Steps

Cloud applications, platforms and services are changing the way enterprises compete for customers. The implementation of cloud technology promises business transformation and modernization, while adding product value and meeting the increasingly demanding needs of applications. By developing a sound migration strategy and evaluating your business processes, effective cloud migration can be achieved on-time and on-budget with minimal risk. Read More

And we're guessing EVERYBODY is happier now

Annual performance review time at this company has come and gone, and one database admin who's at the bottom of the IT-shop pecking order has reached the end of his rope. Read More

White Paper: Palo Alto Networks

10 Things Your Next Firewall Must Do

As the leader and pioneer of the next-generation firewall category, Palo Alto Networks would like to share what we have learned from securing over 3,500 enterprise networks in the past few years. Download our guide that depicts the top 10 requirements you should demand in your next firewall purchase. Read More

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