Who's succeeding with product-focused IT?

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IDG's Top Enterprise Stories

Our top picks from IDG's editors
Nov 21, 2018
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7 container security tools to lock down Docker and Kubernetes

These third-party offerings bring enterprise monitoring, policy-based controls, in-container auditing, and hardened Linux kernels to container-based applications Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Who's succeeding with product-focused IT?
How to use consumer groups in Redis Streams
Why disk beat tape in the backup wars
Workday CIO on tackling SaaS debt and sprawl
How to take control of Windows 10 security update settings
Career advice: Good enough security trumps best security
How to manually delay Windows updates

White Paper: Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Securing Privileged Access with Hitachi ID Privileged Access Manager (PAM)

Privileged accounts, like their name suggests, are accounts designed to provide broad access to systems and data. They are an integral part of every IT infrastructure and play a key role in a large variety of day-to-day operations. Read More

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Who's succeeding with product-focused IT?

Many CIOs are facing the most challenging undertaking of their careers: shifting their IT organization's focus from projects to products. Read More

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How to use consumer groups in Redis Streams

Take advantage of consumer groups in Redis Streams to distribute the processing of a data stream among multiple consumers Read More

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Why disk beat tape in the backup wars

When it comes to storage technology, tape and disk have their advantages and shortcomings, but disk has won because, in a nutshell, tape is fast, but disk is quick. Read More

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Workday CIO on tackling SaaS debt and sprawl

Configure your software, don't customize it — but make sure you have the skills available to do it well: That's the advice of Workday CIO Diana McKenzie Read More

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How to take control of Windows 10 security update settings

It's often wise to defer Windows 10 or Server 2019 security updates to let the glitches shake out. Here are the settings needed to make that happen. Read More

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Career advice: Good enough security trumps best security

The realization that most of the world doesn't want the best security will help you advance in your security career. Read More

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How to manually delay Windows updates

Windows 10 update settings are varied and at times confusing. Here is an exact list of the settings that control when updates will automatically run. Watch Now

White Paper: Bronze Drum Consulting

How Powerful New Technologies are Powering a Real-Time Revolution in Capital Markets

Discover how machine learning, informed by rich, streaming data, is helping business leaders transform financial services is this white paper from Bronze Drum Consulting. By leveraging cloud services, financial service firms now have the power to put real-time streaming data to work. Read More

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