Why disk beat tape in the backup wars

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Network World Daily News Alert

Nov 21, 2018
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Chip-cooling breakthrough will reduce data-center power costs

A new microprocessor manufacturing technique could keep future electronics 18 degrees cooler, providing huge efficiency gains for data centers. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Why disk beat tape in the backup wars
AMD's road to the data center and HPC isn't as long as you think
DNS over HTTPS seeks to make internet use more private
Dell EMC committed to networking, shares product and partnership plans
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Why disk beat tape in the backup wars

When it comes to storage technology, tape and disk have their advantages and shortcomings, but disk has won because, in a nutshell, tape is fast, but disk is quick. Read More

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AMD's road to the data center and HPC isn't as long as you think

AMD has a few things in its favor as it takes on Nvidia in the high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) arena. Read More

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DNS over HTTPS seeks to make internet use more private

The IETF has standardized DNS over HTTPS (DOH), which encrypts DNS queries so eavesdroppers can't tell what sites users connect to. Read More

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Dell EMC committed to networking, shares product and partnership plans

Tom Burns, senior VP and GM of Dell EMC Networking and Solutions, sheds some light on the company's diverse and broad networking portfolio. Read More

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