Sorry, Linux. Kubernetes is now the OS that matters

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InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

Nov 20, 2018
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Cloud security: The essential checklist

Are you trying to figure out security for your cloud deployment? You need these five types of security features in place Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Sorry, Linux. Kubernetes is now the OS that matters
How to avoid the coming cloud integration panic
12 ways Azure beats AWS
A decade of Azure: It's time to go back to the future
Fix your data before you move it to the cloud
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Sorry, Linux. Kubernetes is now the OS that matters

Linux is just plumbing. The real OS—the real value—is with Kubernetes Read More

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How to avoid the coming cloud integration panic

The need to have on-premises systems talk to public cloud systems is becoming critical. But so few enterprises are prepared Read More

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12 ways Azure beats AWS

From Visual Studio integration to Ethereum blockchain support, you have at least a dozen reasons to choose Azure over AWS Read More

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A decade of Azure: It's time to go back to the future

One of the advantages of a hyperscale cloud platform like Azure is that it can support many development models Read More

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Fix your data before you move it to the cloud

In cloud migrations, I'm often taken back how the data that was bad on-premises is worse in the cloud Read More

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