
Network World Daily News Alert

September 27, 2019

Image: Cisco: 13 IOS, IOS XE security flaws you should patch now

Cisco: 13 IOS, IOS XE security flaws you should patch now

Cisco this week warned its IOS and IOS XE customers of 13 vulnerabilities in the operating system software they should patch as soon as possible. Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories

Data center gear will increasingly move off-premises

The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

IBM brings blockchain to Red Hat OpenShift; adds ApacheDB for hybrid cloud customers

The IBM-Red Hat deal: What it means for enterprises

Storage trends: What's the best uses for Optane (aka 3D XPoint memory)?

White Paper: Qlik

IDC PlanScape: Data Intelligence Software for Data Governance

Get the right strategy – and the right technology – for governing your data without locking it down. Read more ▶

Image: Data center gear will increasingly move off-premises

Data center gear will increasingly move off-premises

Cloud and colocation sites will account for half of all data center equipment in just five years, according to 451 Research. Read more ▶

Image: Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill


Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill

Read more ▶

Image: The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

The internet of things is a dynamic area encompassing a wide range of technologies where the power could shift at any time. Here is our snapshot of the 10 most powerful IoT companies now. Read more ▶

Image: IBM brings blockchain to Red Hat OpenShift; adds ApacheDB for hybrid cloud customers

IBM brings blockchain to Red Hat OpenShift; adds ApacheDB for hybrid cloud customers

IBM continued its Red Hat and open source software integration work this week by adding Red Hat OpenShift support to its blockchain platform and bringing a Kubernetes Operator for Apache CouchDB support into its Cloudant hybrid cloud offering. Read more ▶

Image: The IBM-Red Hat deal: What it means for enterprises

The IBM-Red Hat deal: What it means for enterprises

IBM hopes the acquisition of Red Hat will give its customers the tools to expand their use of cloud by creating and deploying cloud-friendly applications on a larger scale, a goal shared by IBM competitors Google, Amazon and Microsoft. Read more ▶

Image: Storage trends: What's the best uses for Optane (aka 3D XPoint memory)?

Storage trends: What's the best uses for Optane (aka 3D XPoint memory)?

While 3D XPoint memory has been shipping as Optane from Intel for two years, it hasn't found a great deal of traction, but a new server DIMM and an upcoming Micron product release may change that. Read more ▶

White Paper: Qlik

3rd Gen BI: Unlocking Possibilities in Your Data

Data has always held tremendous value. But for decades, most of that value was left on the table. Not anymore. The 3rd generation of BI spreads analytics to every corner of your business, finally giving all your users the power to make discoveries that ignite transformation. Read more ▶

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