
Network World Daily News Alert

September 26, 2019

Image: Enterprises tap edge computing for IoT analytics

Enterprises tap edge computing for IoT analytics

IoT deployments are fueling investments in edge computing infrastructure, including edge gateways and hyperconverged infrastructure. Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories

How a simpler mmWave architecture can connect IoT

The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

Rating IoT devices to gauge their impact on your network

The Linux command-line cheat sheet

How many bytes to the gallon? The data challenge of autonomous vehicles

Video/Webcast: Telit

Choosing the Right Path to 5G: Evolving LTE Advanced Pro towards 5G

In networks, nothing stays the same for long. Although 3G networks have proved very useful, they have reached the sunset stage, giving way to 4G LTE. Now, 5G networks are poised to take center stage, promising transformation for Internet-of-Things and other applications. How can you take control in this changing environment? Read more ▶

Image: How a simpler mmWave architecture can connect IoT

How a simpler mmWave architecture can connect IoT

Upcoming 5G millimeter wave frequencies are being bandied as a good, solid network for IoT. But some say they may be too elaborate. A stripped-down version of millimeter wave technology may be the solution. Read more ▶

Image: Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill


Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill

Read more ▶

Image: The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

The 10 most powerful companies in IoT

The internet of things is a dynamic area encompassing a wide range of technologies where the power could shift at any time. Here is our snapshot of the 10 most powerful IoT companies now. Read more ▶

Image: Rating IoT devices to gauge their impact on your network

Rating IoT devices to gauge their impact on your network

With the wide range of internet of things devices being connected to business networks, there's no cookie-cutter solution to building networks to support them, but assessing their needs can help. Read more ▶

Image: The Linux command-line cheat sheet

The Linux command-line cheat sheet

This select set of Linux commands can help you master the command line and speed up your use of the operating system. Read more ▶

Image: How many bytes to the gallon? The data challenge of autonomous vehicles

BrandPost Sponsored by CenturyLink

How many bytes to the gallon? The data challenge of autonomous vehicles

AVs are not just motorized marvels packed with sensors, radar, microprocessors and algorithms. They are the most visible parts of a systemic change in the way the automobile industry and the technology industry work together. Read more ▶

White Paper: Akamai Technologies Inc

Build vs. Buy: A Guide for Customer Identity and Access Management

In today's markets, customer identities and the personal data associated with them are among the most critical and valuable assets of any enterprise. Managing these digital identities — from first registration and login to the later stages of the customer relationship — and extracting business value from the associated data are complex tasks, commonly referred to as customer identity and access management (CIAM). Read more ▶

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