CSO Update

October 01, 2019

Image: 5 top cybersecurity masters degrees: Which is right for you?

5 top cybersecurity masters degrees: Which is right for you?

New cyber masters degrees are popping up all over the place. Here's our unscientific rundown of the top five. Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories

Business email compromise attacks cost millions, losses doubling each year

Voting machine security: What to look for and what to look out for

Rich PII enables sophisticated impersonation attacks

5 trends shaking up multi-factor authentication

Marriott data breach FAQ: How did it happen and what was the impact?

Podcast: Mastercard Uses Hybrid Cloud to Meet Strict Requirements for Data Security

White Paper: ReliaQuest

451 Research Report: Tackling the Visibility Gap in Information Security

451 Research recently published insights gathered from in-depth interviews with security leaders across 150 large enterprises to better understand the most critical challenges facing their teams. Read more ▶

Image: Business email compromise attacks cost millions, losses doubling each year

Business email compromise attacks cost millions, losses doubling each year

Cybercriminals follow the money, and you need look no further than Toyota Boshoku's recent $37 million loss to see why many are turning to BEC scams. Read more ▶

Image: Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill


Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill

Read more ▶

Image: Voting machine security: What to look for and what to look out for

Voting machine security: What to look for and what to look out for

The US Senate approved $250 million to help states purchase more secure voting equipment — but includes no provisions for what "secure" means. Our buying guide will help state election officials spend taxpayer money wisely. Read more ▶

Image: Rich PII enables sophisticated impersonation attacks

Rich PII enables sophisticated impersonation attacks

Hackers are now using rich personally identifying information, including device types and browser versions, cookies and web histories, and even voice recordings to gain account access or commit fraud. Read more ▶

Image: 5 trends shaking up multi-factor authentication

5 trends shaking up multi-factor authentication

Universal adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) is hindered by technical limitations and user resistance, but its use is growing. Here's why. Read more ▶

Image: Marriott data breach FAQ: How did it happen and what was the impact?

Marriott data breach FAQ: How did it happen and what was the impact?

In late 2018, the Marriott hotel chain announced that one of its reservation systems had been compromised, with hundreds of millions of customer records, including credit card and passport numbers, being exfiltrated by the attackers. Many of the details remain undisclosed, but this cyberattack is a cautionary tale about IT security, mergers and acquisitions, and Chinese espionage. Read more ▶

Image: Podcast: Mastercard Uses Hybrid Cloud to Meet Strict Requirements for Data Security

BrandPost Sponsored by HPE

Podcast: Mastercard Uses Hybrid Cloud to Meet Strict Requirements for Data Security

Learn how the company's leading-edge use of hybrid cloud helps it meet strict requirements for data sovereignty, security, and performance. Read more ▶

White Paper: ReliaQuest

Application Logging Challenges in Information Security

Logging events from applications is an important process in cybersecurity. Whether it's a custom-built application, or one hosted by a third-party company, logging and monitoring these applications is necessary to get full visibility into your environment. This type of logging doesn't come without its share of challenges. Read more ▶

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