No. 2 cloud provider Rackspace tries harder | Amazon comes clean about the great cloud outage

InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

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3 dirty little cloud computing secrets
Every overhyped technology has good and bad aspects. The trouble is that few are willing to fill you in on the bad aspects. Doing so is often met with several dozen rounds of being called a hater. Cloud computing is no exception. Read More


It's the year of cloud. Learn more at Cloud U.
Through a year-long series of whitepapers and webinars, independent analyst Ben Kepes will be building a cloud computing curriculum designed for technologists and non-technical users alike. The mission is to build widespread knowledge about the cloud revolution and encourage discussion about the cloud's benefits for businesses of all sizes. Learn More Now


Eight threats your anti-virus won't stop
News headlines are a constant reminder that malware attacks and data leakage are on the rise. This paper outlines eight common threats that traditional anti-virus alone won't stop, and explains how to protect your organization using endpoint security. Read now

No. 2 cloud provider Rackspace tries harder
The chief strategy officer of Rackspace talks to InfoWorld about the vital importance of open cloud standards -- and the services his company offers that Amazon doesn't. Read More

Amazon comes clean about the great cloud outage
It appears that human error during an system upgrade meant a redundant backup network for the EBS (Elastic Block Service) accidentally took up the entire network traffic in the U.S. East Region, overloading it, and jamming up the system. Read More

Cloud failover a challenge for Amazon competitors, too
The outage in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud service last week highlighted the limitations of load balancing and failover systems. But Amazon isn't the only cloud vendor whose systems can't guarantee 100% uptime. Read More

How to integrate with the cloud
All it takes is a credit card to spin up a SaaS application. But consider how you integrate with that cloud app, or you'll be condemned to create another silo. Read More

The failure behind the Amazon outage isn't just Amazon's
When's outage last week left popular websites and services crippled or outright disabled, the blogosphere blew up with noise around the risks of using the cloud. Although a few defenders spoke up, most of these instant experts panned the cloud and Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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