A better way to move past insecure SH-1 encryption

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InfoWorld Daily: Morning Edition

Jan 05, 2016
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Android is ousting Windows from its last mobile bastion

Microsoft's coming end of support for Windows Embedded is forcing the industry to look elsewhere Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

A better way to move past insecure SH-1 encryption
Java loses no luster in popularity index
Picking a public cloud? Think beyond AWS, Google, and Microsoft

White Paper: CommVault

5 Benefits of Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

This paper explores why the cloud is well suited for disaster recovery and what organizations need to consider to ensure that cloud DR is right for them. Read More

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A better way to move past insecure SH-1 encryption

The digital certificate switchover from weak SHA-1 encryption to the vastly stronger SHA-2 promises to be brutal, but a new industry proposal could ease the pain Read More

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Java loses no luster in popularity index

Once mired behind the C language in popularity, Java has regained its mojo and is expected to have bright future as it retains its top spot for the month Read More

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Picking a public cloud? Think beyond AWS, Google, and Microsoft

No single cloud provider is likely to meet all your needs, so don't try to force-fit everything to one 'solution' Read More

White Paper: CommVault

5 Steps to Migrate Your Applications to the Cloud Stress Free

This paper examines five easy ways to overcome concerns about managing increased data flows, and moving operations to the cloud and offers solutions to each concern. Read More

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