Nginx Web server upgrade focuses on HTTP/2, authentication

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InfoWorld Hardware Report

Jan 21, 2016
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InfoWorld's 2016 Technology of the Year Award winners

InfoWorld editors and reviewers pick the best hardware, software, development tools, and cloud services of the year Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Nginx Web server upgrade focuses on HTTP/2, authentication
AT&T's latest business discount is a 2-for-1 smartphone deal
Memory that learns could help tomorrow's intelligent computers
The first fruits of Intel's biggest buy ever will come this quarter

Case Study: Unidesk

CIO: How We're Doing VDI For 50% Less Than PCs

The CIO at one of Oregon's largest community colleges explains how they are replacing outdated desktops with VDI - for 50% less than buying new physical PCs. Read More

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Nginx Web server upgrade focuses on HTTP/2, authentication

Release 8 also offers service discovery and video caching improvements Read More

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AT&T's latest business discount is a 2-for-1 smartphone deal

AT&T announced aggressive discounts on new smartphones and devices, including a 2-for-1 smartphone offer for business customers. Read More

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Memory that learns could help tomorrow's intelligent computers

Startup Knowm hopes its new memristors will lead to new types of computers Read More

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The first fruits of Intel's biggest buy ever will come this quarter

The first chips that combine Intel and Altera components will ship in the first quarter Read More

Case Study: Unidesk

Sunrise Health: 3,000 Unique VDI Users, 1 Gold Image

Unidesk and Citrix are enabling 3,000 care providers and staff at Sunrise Health to access clinical and non-clinical apps on any device while streamlining image management and application delivery for IT. Read More

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