Slack + Skype: The fine line between convenience and coercion

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InfoWorld Daily: Morning Edition

Jan 26, 2016
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Why patching is still a problem -- and how to fix it

Many obstacles stand in the way of perfect patching. Getting around them may be easier than you think Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Slack + Skype: The fine line between convenience and coercion
No matter who wins in US vs. Microsoft, we all lose
Video: How OpenStack doomed itself

White Paper: Veritas

8 Tips to Stay Ahead of the Top 2016 Data Protection Trends

Data protection has never been more in the forefront, as information increasingly is the lifeblood and differentiator in a constantly changing world. Read More

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Slack + Skype: The fine line between convenience and coercion

Bring-your-own technology doesn't work so well in collaboration or when forced on users Read More

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No matter who wins in US vs. Microsoft, we all lose

As the U.S. government and Microsoft battle over access to cloud data, major implications await both users and corporations Read More

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Video: How OpenStack doomed itself

OpenStack has lost its way, and key developer Andy Smith knows where it took wrong turns Read More

White Paper: Attunity

Analytics for Enterprise Data Warehouse Management and Optimization

Most BI and data warehousing inefficiencies arise from a lack of understanding about how applications and data are used across organizations. Having access to data usage analytics is key to maximizing the inherent value of data. Read More

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