Now raging: The 3 cloud battles that matter most

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InfoWorld Security Report

Jan 26, 2016
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Why patching is still a problem -- and how to fix it

Many obstacles stand in the way of perfect patching. Getting around them may be easier than you think Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Now raging: The 3 cloud battles that matter most
Phish the phishers: A researcher turns the tables on scammers
Amazon eases Web encryption with AWS Certificate Manager
Oracle fixes critical flaws in Java, Database Server

White Paper: Veritas

8 Tips to Stay Ahead of the Top 2016 Data Protection Trends

Data protection has never been more in the forefront, as information increasingly is the lifeblood and differentiator in a constantly changing world. Read More

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Now raging: The 3 cloud battles that matter most

AWS, Microsoft, and Google have won the public cloud wars, clearing the space for more meaningful battles over security, APIs, and reporting to play out Read More

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Phish the phishers: A researcher turns the tables on scammers

At Shmoocon, a researcher described his use of phishing tricks to track down scammers Read More

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Amazon eases Web encryption with AWS Certificate Manager

A new service provides free, automatically upgraded SSL/TLS certificates for sites supported by Amazon's load balancing and CDN systems Read More

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Oracle fixes critical flaws in Java, Database Server

While most of the fixes for Java, Database, and MySQL are run-of-the-mill, four are rated critical if the targeted user has administrator privileges Read More

White Paper: Veritas

Forward Thinking Backup: Data Protection for the Digital Business

In this new digital age, data protection is more than just about making copies. You must figure out how to stay ahead of growth by achieving greater gains in productivity and efficiency. Read More

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