How to protect PII under GDPR

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CSO Update

Feb 08, 2018
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11 tips for prioritizing security spending

How to keep things locked down when you can't afford new locks. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

How to protect PII under GDPR
The two most important ways to defend against security threats
5 key challenges for enforcing access control
Ask me anything: Insight Engines lets you talk your network into revealing threats
Salted Hash Ep 17: Spectre and Meltdown, a vehicle that no one is using

Video/Webcast: CA Technologies

Machine Learning Driven Analytics For Smarter IT Operations

IT operations teams need to run smarter and faster - across increasingly diverse environments - to thrive in today's digital economy. Emerging technologies like machine learning driven analytics are paving the way. Read More

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How to protect PII under GDPR

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation requires companies to protect the privacy of their EU customers. That means keeping personally identifiable information (PII) safe. Here's what you need to know. Read More

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The two most important ways to defend against security threats

Patching and security training programs will thwart attacks more effectively than anything else. You're already doing them. Here's how to do them better. Read More

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5 key challenges for enforcing access control

Access controls authenticate and authorize individuals to access the information they are allowed to see and use. Read More

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Ask me anything: Insight Engines lets you talk your network into revealing threats

Think of the Insight Engines tool as Google for network security, allowing natural language searches and returning honed information to answer each query. This comparison doesn't do the program justice, but is a good starting point for understanding how it works. Read More

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Salted Hash Ep 17: Spectre and Meltdown, a vehicle that no one is using

Welcome to another episode of Salted Hash. This week, Salted Hash is joined by our new Staff Writer, J.M. Porup, to talk about some recent developments related to Spectre and Meltdown, including patch fixes, future mitigations, and a curious (false) rumor about malware leveraging the disclosed vulnerabilities. Read More

Video/Webcast: Veritas

Multi-Cloud Data Management Adoption - Where Are We?

In this webcast we will discuss the findings of a recent global survey where 600 senior managers and executives across a wide range of industries and company sizes were polled on their experiences with multi-cloud data management and protection. Read More

CSO Insider

1. 10 old-school security principles that (still) rule
2. Top security certifications: Who they're for, what they cost, and which you need
3. 5 top machine learning use cases for security
4. What are the GDPR requirements?
5. How hackers crack passwords and why you can't stop them

Editor's Picks

1. Best security software: How cutting-edge tools tackle today's threats
2. Spectre and Meltdown explained: What they are, how they work, what's at risk
3. What is two-factor authentication (2FA)? How to enable it and why you should
4. The best antivirus? Kaspersky leads in latest tests, but that's only part of the story
5. What is CVE, its definition and purpose?
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