How to negotiate a Cisco Enterprise Agreement that works for you

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IDG's Top Enterprise Stories

Our top picks from IDG's editors
Feb 08, 2018
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11 tips for prioritizing security spending

How to keep things locked down when you can't afford new locks. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

How to negotiate a Cisco Enterprise Agreement that works for you
What is personally identifiable information (PII)? How to protect it under GDPR
7 reasons CIOs quit (or lose their jobs)
What is Cython? Python at the speed of C
The Linux ranger: What is it and how do you use it?
Developers prefer learning over money, but still want money
Surface Pro 4 batteries and TypeCovers are dropping like flies
10 Smartsheet tips and tricks

White Paper: Highstreet IT Solutions

5 Must-Have Capabilities for a Managed Service Provider

More and more businesses are turning to Managed Application Services to reduce operating costs and free up internal resources. However, Application-Focused MASPs have limitations. Download this Insight Brief to see how Business-Driven Managed Application Services go beyond maintenance and support, focusing on getting the most out of your applications to enable business growth. Read More

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How to negotiate a Cisco Enterprise Agreement that works for you

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What is personally identifiable information (PII)? How to protect it under GDPR

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation requires companies to protect the privacy of their EU customers. That means keeping personally identifiable information (PII) safe. Here's what you need to know. Read More

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7 reasons CIOs quit (or lose their jobs)

From false promises to role changes, CIOs exit when their ability to execute their strategy or grow their careers hits a road block — a trend that may be accelerating, thanks to the rise of digital transformations. Read More

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What is Cython? Python at the speed of C

A superset of Python that compiles to C, Cython combines the ease of Python and the speed of native code Read More

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The Linux ranger: What is it and how do you use it?

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Developers prefer learning over money, but still want money

An Accenture survey also shows that most platforms are poor at providing good content Read More

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Surface Pro 4 batteries and TypeCovers are dropping like flies

It's more than screen flickers, folks. Surface Pro 4 batteries are dying in droves, in many cases shortly after the warranty expires. So, too, are TypeCovers. Read More

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10 Smartsheet tips and tricks

Using a cloud-based spreadsheet tool for simple project management makes good sense to growing numbers of Smartsheet fans. These tips and techniques from Smartsheet power users can give you a head start. Read More

Video/Webcast: CA Technologies

Machine Learning Driven Analytics For Smarter IT Operations

IT operations teams need to run smarter and faster - across increasingly diverse environments - to thrive in today's digital economy. Emerging technologies like machine learning driven analytics are paving the way. Read More

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