CRM vs. ERP: What's the difference and which do you need?

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IDG's Top Enterprise Stories

Our top picks from IDG's editors
Feb 06, 2018
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6 use cases for blockchain in security

Blockchain has the potential to improve encryption and authentication, and that could be good news for IoT security and DDoS protection. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

CRM vs. ERP: What's the difference and which do you need?
Why Linux is better than Windows or MacOS for security
3 leaked NSA exploits work on all Windows versions since Windows 2000
Winning the war for AI talent
What's new in Python 3.7
Capacity alone won't assure good cloud performance
Get started with Azure Event Grid for serverless publish-and-subscribe
Spectre and Meltdown | Salted Hash Ep 17

White Paper: ServiceChannel

5 Perils of Outsourcing Your Facilities Management

Whether you currently outsource your facilities program or are considering it, you need to know what this approach really costs - and beyond just the actual dollars. Find out what's at risk from outsourcing your facilities management and the alternatives you should consider in this new eBook. Read More

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CRM vs. ERP: What's the difference and which do you need?

Both CRM and ERP systems handle contacts, companies, quotes, orders and forecasts… and they may handle line-item configuration, bundles, delivery schedules and invoices. Where does one start and the other stop? Behold this guide for the bewildered. Read More

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Why Linux is better than Windows or MacOS for security

Decisions made years ago about which operating system to roll out can affect corporate security today. Of the big three in widespread use, one can credibly be called the most secure. Read More

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3 leaked NSA exploits work on all Windows versions since Windows 2000

The EternalSynergy, EternalRomance, and EternalChampion exploits have been reworked to work on all vulnerable Windows versions: Windows 2000 -- Server 2016. Read More

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Winning the war for AI talent

With tech giants soaking up all available talent, enterprises are scrambling to staff up for an AI-fueled future by partnering with universities and grooming talent from within. Read More

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What's new in Python 3.7

Python 3.7 adds new classes for data handling, optimizations for script compilation and garbage collection, and faster asynchronous I/O Read More

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Capacity alone won't assure good cloud performance

Will your cloud-based workload support 100,000 concurrent users? The only way to find out is through performance testing Read More

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Get started with Azure Event Grid for serverless publish-and-subscribe

Microsoft's publish-and-subscribe event-distribution tool is now ready for your code Read More

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Spectre and Meltdown | Salted Hash Ep 17

What is it about the Spectre and Meltdown attacks that scared everyone so much? Host Steve Ragan and J.M. Porup, both senior writers at CSO, talk through the impact of these hardware flaws. Watch Now

White Paper: Riverbed Technology

Best Practices for Successful Digital Experience Management

The digital user experience faces rising expectations from customers, cloud agility demands from business executives, and escalating complexity for IT professionals. The good news is, you can survive this perfect storm. Address these concerns, and ensure positive experiences for business-critical applications, by downloading Best Practices for Successful Digital Experience Management. Read More

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