Sometimes it just takes the right question

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Computerworld Daily Shark

Feb 05, 2018

Headless, redefined

Flashback to the 1980s, when CRT monitors are very big, and pricey enough to keep using even when they break -- which is a problem when a new hardware tech is hired. Read More

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Sometimes it just takes the right question

White Paper: Teradata

To Cloud or Not to Cloud

As developed as the cloud has become, it is not a magical answer to solve all issues and provide the perfect environment for every enterprise's applications... let alone all analytical environments. There are several aspects to consider when CIOs, CTOs, and their enterprise data architects decide "to cloud, or not to cloud" for their analytic ecosystems. Read More

Sometimes it just takes the right question

This company has its systems set up so that any power outage will trigger an email that's sent to the support team. So why isn't one server reporting its outages? Read More

White Paper: Ixia

2017 Ixia Security Report

All IT organizations are conscious of their networks' attack surface. Enterprises, service providers, and data centers alike worry about every new device they insert into their networks, because they understand that any of these devices could create a vulnerability. But the attack surface is not just about growth in threats. Read More

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