But it's just a planet!

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Computerworld Daily Shark

May 07, 2018

'And the internet -- you've heard of that, right?'

IT pilot fish is working with a customer to set up a connection for secure file transfers, and it's not going well -- so the customer brings in a consultant to help out. Read More

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But it's just a planet!

White Paper: Quest Software

Activate Directory Migration: 7 lessons learned

We asked our Active Directory (AD) migration customers to share what they learned through their own migration experiences. Here are the top seven lessons learned that might help you as you plan your own AD migration. Read More

But it's just a planet!

Flashback a decade or so to the days when this IT shop is setting some standards for how it will name new servers -- and what could be safer than names from astronomy? Read More

White Paper: Quest Software

A Practical Guide for GDPR Compliance.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been approved by the European Union and, once it comes into force in May 2018, will give data subjects significant new rights over how their personal data is collected, processed, and transferred by data controllers and processors.The time to get ready is now, as the consequences of getting it wrong are significant. Read More

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