Employee retention: 6 strategies for keeping top talent

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IDG's Top Enterprise Stories

Our top picks from IDG's editors
Nov 23, 2018
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Hiring for diversity: 9 ways to retool your process

If you want a diverse team, you need to look different. This means changing both the way you search and the way you appear. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Employee retention: 6 strategies for keeping top talent
Windows 10 update (and retirement) calendar: Mark these dates
10 data analytics success stories: An inside look
Android security: Analysis, advice, and next-level knowledge
10 of the world's fastest supercomputers
AR in the enterprise: Tips for a better augmented reality app
3 tips for negotiating with your public cloud providers

White Paper: Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Securing Privileged Access with Hitachi ID Privileged Access Manager (PAM)

Privileged accounts, like their name suggests, are accounts designed to provide broad access to systems and data. They are an integral part of every IT infrastructure and play a key role in a large variety of day-to-day operations. Read More

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Employee retention: 6 strategies for keeping top talent

In an improving economy, retaining talent is of utmost concern. Experts offer advice on how to keep your most valuable business asset: your employees. Read More

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Windows 10 update (and retirement) calendar: Mark these dates

Microsoft is releasing new versions of Windows 10 on a set schedule – and just as regularly retiring older versions from support. Here are all the dates you need to know about through Windows 7's retirement in 2020 and beyond. Read More

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10 data analytics success stories: An inside look

Here's how leading CIOs are successfully tapping data analytics and machine learning to achieve business goals. Read More

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Android security: Analysis, advice, and next-level knowledge

Expand your Android security knowledge with this comprehensive collection of level-headed resources. Read More

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10 of the world's fastest supercomputers

The cream of the Top500 supercomputer list, these 10 supercomputers are used for modeling the weather, weapons, ocean currents and other physical phenomena. They not only outperform every other machine on the planet, they also demonstrate the technologies your business might use, at a smaller scale, to get the best performance in the least space or using the least energy. Read More

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AR in the enterprise: Tips for a better augmented reality app

Augmented reality apps have a lot to offer businesses, from supporting remote workers to increasing marketing engagement. Here are some tips on how to approach building an effective and successful AR app. Read More

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3 tips for negotiating with your public cloud providers

It's the end of the year and time to renew public cloud contracts. Here's how to get the biggest discount from your public cloud provider Read More

White Paper: Bronze Drum Consulting

How Powerful New Technologies are Powering a Real-Time Revolution in Capital Markets

Discover how machine learning, informed by rich, streaming data, is helping business leaders transform financial services is this white paper from Bronze Drum Consulting. By leveraging cloud services, financial service firms now have the power to put real-time streaming data to work. Read More

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